Tuesday, February 24, 2009

penny is in diet

hubby sent me this photo =)
he took his 4to while he wearing uniform
look smart right?
anyway i love it so much

this is the first time i wear this kind of shirt and show it everyone.
because few month later , i will want to have good body shape =)
ga yao ya ..=P
and i miss my long hair so much...
recently my life pretty fine
finally =)
i am so happy
and yet penny now is in diet progress
haha. dont knw whether sucessfull ornot
but i am happy because i loss one kg anyways.
keep going on =)


yea =) today as usual i worked at lot10 morning shift.
break i am so hungry
so i eat with yang fang, xiao ling , IROA girl , and pop soda girl.
we head to sg.wang 4th floor eat.
quite nice to talk to them also
after finish eat , then i started on the phone with my hubby =)
previous was our keep argue day.
really hard to pass all the day with sad.
anyway now over edi.
we are finally settle everything.

so while i working that time ,
i saw my few classmate which me saw each other is the d last day of exam
i think 1/12/2008 i think
so we capture photo first and we chit chat for half hour =)
they are siew mun , fei li and also shook ting.

she is siew mun,which is the first girl talk to me when i get to study at sss.
ya. is at form1 charity. she is the one who sit besides me on first day.
she look more Beauty compare to last time
i also wanna dye my hair and keep long hair =)and yet also want diet so much ={

after finished work
i am so happy.
do you know why. i tell you now
my parent bring me to the pasar malam.
the last i ever go pasar mlm also at december 2008.
wow.quit elong i didnt go have a walk .
i buy lot food to tried.spent roughly 30bucks in a pasar mlm.

recently i am just bringing some book to my working place
sometimes when weekdays very less customer come to shopping
so i bring my book and dictionary to studied it =)
just want improve myself and get to pass all those boring day.
good idea right?

today might quite little bit rush because i need to use my break time
for my piano class =)
anyway i wont want to give up my piano class.
because i want to let my parent know i could play well in piano.
i am no more playing edi.

this baby is look so cute.
his parent left him at my counter while
they are trying shirt and whatever..
so i just try to play with him
i asked his name.
he say he is gilbert
if i didnt hear it wrong.
came from PERTH anyways.


today i work at klcc again.
then march i think i only work at there one day =(
actually i like work at klcc more than lot10
lot10 quite a boring place for me
but klcc is more fun.i could always window shopping in the klcc =)
looking those woman wearing those nice shirt nice bag nice shoes sweet with their man.
look so nice .

early morning this is SODA brand.just next to my counter.
yesterday their counter having 50% sale.
omg..u see those customer do this..
so messy.
so i just help her to arrange .
me and MISA took around 2 hour to make that ><
we are so tired.

so during my break time .i went to eat mcdonald
so full.spent me 10bucks again.haha
then i go the the garden at the klcc outside there.
got the water fall? hmm

then hubby webcam with me
its just so sweet you know。 haha
everyone besides looking around
but i judt dont care them =P

soon go back work then my parent came klcc at 6.00pm
my mum showing me her new LV bag brought from dad.
she just shopping at isetan inside and buy 2 pair YOGA shirt
my mum is a pro yoga =)
she is obviously so happy.
because it had been a long time my dad dont buy her something.
anyway its good because last time i promise mum will buy her one.
but i think no need liao right?
after back home , hmm...
go out again..
i went to sunday pasar mlm buy some food to eat
cause tmr i working noon shift at lot10
sure will hungry want.

my mum so caring .

then night i webcam with hubby awhile.
then i busy with my lens thing.
my boss is aways for 4days
so quite many order list need me to arrange.
but my hubby is show my some anger
i am not happy with it.
then we on the phone.
finally we end up the phone with happy =)
not sad again
we talk phone 3 hour yesterday.haha

anyway now i have to wake my hubby up
and go for bath then go to work.

i love you +)

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We must get Fail in order to know
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