Monday, March 2, 2009



wow, today i request to work at klcc =) but too bad is at noon shift.
because my parent wanna shopping at klcc isetan
today i worked with a girl which is part time call huei yi
quite a nice day working with her.mybe we gotta meet again in future cause i going to study the same coll with her.

during breaktime , hubby is he didnt pick up my phone.
so i took some silly photo when i am alone.

i drinking water.i having Sore throat.
and a little bit flu.
i think i should be go for sport
during my off day.should excersive regulary.

i continued called baby for 5 times.but failed to get him.anyway i think he is too tired.

after finished eat,i went back to the staff entrance and continued working. today quite lot customer too. then 8 something my parent come. they're just bought some cloth. yet , i bought a dress too =)

night i was starving. my parent didnt eat with me. i thought they i told them i am full edi. after reached home, talked with baby.but we seems like hm...duno how to say.anyway forget bout it.midnight i got up again, i really not feeling well,but i slept back after finished read a magazine.


as usual went to work again.i had been a long time didnt really have a rest. feel so tiring.

anyway time left 79 days to meet up baby. i am so happy and looking forward on that day.early morning i am not that happy but finally its alright is monday, luckily ah ling is same shift with me. we could chit chat awhile to pass our boring day.

i went for break quite early because morning i throw my bread because of not good mood.stupid me.anyway i wont waste any single food again.i i went to the 4th floor have my lunch and talked with baby.we were all the way laughing.anyway i loved it =)

this few day have nothing happened.anyway i will updated blog again =)

i got some photo from my sister. this is last year performanced in school =P

My heart for you will never break.
My smile for you will never fade.
My love for you will never end. I love SAM!

1 comment:

  1. don't waste your food again le
    i'll find you when i going
    saturday where you work?
    i going to klcc^^


We must get Hurt in order to grow
We must get Fail in order to know
Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.


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