Friday, February 27, 2009

isetan sale

i just back back from klcc work.hmm today super klcc isetan having big sale for 3day special.

lot of the clothes are up to 20% to 70% attract , i worked middle shift today which is 11.30pm to 8.30pm . sometimes i just want to scold the customer.they treated us so bad.after tried the cloth,they simply throw it at the fitting room.not hang it properly but is throw on the floor.i just wanna gv her a middle finger.but as a promoter i should be patient.

i am just freaking no mood to serve some of the customer.but some of them are really nice,even they tried so many pieces but not suited them , they will say sorry or whatever.but some of them wearing nice cloth,high heels shoes,lv bag..omg..treated us like nobody.

and too bad,i am flu and cough and i felt so mood is down .anyway today worked are really dad fetch me hone .before home,we head to the thailand food.both of us order quite lot dishes.i am so hungry.cause during break time , i order food spent me 11bucks for drink and expensive. i just ate half then went to talked phone with baby.although have some unhappy but its alright.cause we always will be ok back =)

tmr gotta work at lot10 morning shift.Have to sleep early soon.finally my contact lens salary is out.thanks ryoko so much and yet now i just waiting my company pay out my salary.tmr i need to request 2set uniform from company.hope they will most probably accpet it.they also hope i can be long term of part time after april.but dont know someone is agree ornt.anyways happy working and smile always.

baby is now at sydney starcity with friend while i writting wasnt good in madrine pin yin but we are playing sms with pin yin.its cute.and we are so lovely.i had been 17days cant meet.i have to wait another 12week cause baby coming back malaysia on may 19.he gotta celebrate my birthday.i believe this year i sure have a special ever birthday.

as i worked edi for 2 month,i finally knew that actually earning money is a hard work.daily i earn 60bucks just as a promoter.even eat also might use up 10bucks.left not much.some of them they have to pay for parking , tol and etc.anyway i learnt something.i will not to waste any single money to buy useless thing anymore.i will save up all my money to build a good future.hmm..i am felt tired edi.gotta sleep soon.

my friend mostly relink me i think.anyway i will always read up my buddies blog when i am free.take care anyone

and i miss you my baby wei sim =)

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